I knew it was coming..... Morning sickness hit hard and heavy about a week ago. Saw Dr Lamar on March 28th and everything looked great. Got to see the baby's heartbeat and my official due date is November 20th. I had already lost 3-4 lbs, so he put me on meds for nausea. They help a little, but I have good days and bad (and today is bad!) And it's not just morning sickness, it's all day sickness. I'm so hungry and thirsty all the time, but get 3 bites into my food and can't eat any more. Everything has a funny/metallic taste, including saltine crackers! Keep in mind.... I'm not complaining! The sicker I am means my hormone levels are higher and all is good with Baby Keeter!
Poor Kori just doesn't understand why I'm sick and sleeping all the time. She follows me to the bathroom most of the time and she even asked me if "Momma spit her baby out in the potty".
We see Dr. Lamar again on April 18th for another regular check up, but for now everything is great.
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